-The Carbon Dioxide Tolerance Test (CTT)


It is important to perform a self-diagnose breathing fitness test. The Carbon Dioxide Tolerance Test (CTT) is a very practical evaluation of the functionality of the respiratory system. Anyone can determine its sensitivity to carbon dioxide doing this exercise, by measuring the length of a breath hold after one exhalation. This gives an idea of the vital capacity (the sum of tidal capacity, inspiratory reserve and expiratory reserve volume).

Good tolerance to CO2 in the blood will prevents over-breathing by stimulating calm breathing at rest and therefore improving cellular respiration.

This breathing exercise is part of the Breath Quotient, Observations of Breath Intelligence, by Dr. Ela Manga and Viola Edward. The same type of exercise is described in the book Yoga, Benefits are in Breathing Less, Measure Progress in Health using DIY Body Oxygen Test to Defeat Symptoms and Diseases with Smart Yoga, by Arthour Rakhimov. The Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT) version of this practice by Patrick McKeown is described in detail in Chapter 6- The Basic Breathing Exercises (what experts say) of this book.

Training Objectives

To perform a breathing fitness test.


  1. Inhale normally.
  2. Exhale normally.
  3. Hold the breath.
  4. Time the seconds before feeling the first urge to breathe.
  5. Resume breathing.

Average Standard

20 seconds

Peak Performance Standard

40 seconds or higher

Desired end-state – Effects

To determine the sensitivity to CO2