
Juan Carlos Arango Jiménez retired from the Colombian Marine Corps in 2017 at the rank of Colonel after twenty five years of service. He earned a Masters Degree in Military Studies from the United States Marine Corps University.

Juan Carlos is a Special Operations Forces Subject Matter Expert, Military Training Specialist, SCUBA-diving and freediver instructor of the professional association of diving instructors (PADI), certified breathing coach and gravity yoga instructor and recreational triathlete.

He is the founder of ALTUMBLUE, author of  Breathe like a Warrior series, creator of several training programs, such as the Warrior Breathing Training Program and Wolfpack Yoga.

An amazing journey in the Colombian Navy, gave Juan C. a unique leadership experience. He has been inspired with a warrior mindset by many team mates from the special operations forces family (Colombia and the United States).

He has shared  training and war experiences with fellow Marines for half of his life. He will keep  the pursuit of sharing this warrior legacy with others.

Juan Carlos Arango Jiménez es Coronel R.A con 25 años de servicio en la Infantería de Marina de Colombia y tiene una maestría en estudios militares con United States Marine Corps University.

Experto en estrategia militar, organización, y entrenamiento de fuerzas de operaciones especiales, instructor de buceo (SCUBA y freediving) con PADI, asociación profesional de instructores de buceo por sus siglas en inglés, breath coach certificado, instructor de gravity yoga y triatleta recreacional.

Una jornada sensacional en la Marina de Guerra ha dejado a Juan C. una experiencia de liderazgo única y tiene el enorme privilegio de haber sido inspirado por muchos Infantes de Marina durante las adversidades más duras de su carrera.

Después de haber compartido formidables experiencias de entrenamiento y de guerra con integrantes de su familia de las fuerzas de operaciones especiales de Colombia y de Estados Unidos, es su deber extender a otros el legado de los Comandos Anfibios.

Credentials / Acreditaciones