Third Distinctive Feature of Improved Respiration

As we already know, with improved respiration, an individual can positively influence the nervous system, relax and improve the decision-making process, including mastering the observation-orientation-decision-action (OODA) loop. OODA loop is a basic model of command and control used by the Marine Corps. When engaging in any situation, we observe and take inventory of the status. Next, we orient ourselves to the situation, analyzing it to define what it means to us. Based on our orientation, we decide what to do—take an inmediate action or formulate a deliberate plan. Finally, we put the decision into action.

When making decisions, we need to be calm no matter what the conditions of the surroundings are. Life requires us to make decisions every day. Some choices are simple, while others are complex. It is my intent to put science to practical use, and through reading and research, offer information that can be applied to making better or life-changing decisions.

A good exercise to train in order to prepare the mind to improve in the decisión making process is triangular breathing. Freedivers practice this exercise to find the natural rhythm of breathing.

Breathe to inspire…