Fifth Distinctive Feature of Improved Respiration

The benefits of exercise are well documented. However, very few people breathe in an apropiate manner while excercising, and many never train on breathing techniques to boost performance.

An improved respiration helps to achieve maximum results from excercise, boost nitric oxide (NO) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2Max) production. Nitric oxide, “the molecule of the year in 1992”, also known as “the miracle molecule”, is a powerful signalling molecule and naturally produced gas present in the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and throughout the body.

“I am convinced that nitric oxide can age-proof your cardiovascular system, keeping it much fitter than your chronological age will indicate.”

-Dr Louis Ignarro, 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

VO2Max indicates the maximum volume of oxygen that a person’s body can consume per minute at its peak performance. It is an excellent measure of cardiovascular fitness.

Boosting NO and VO2Max is central to the ALTUMBLUE  fitness approach. Here you can find some personally proven techniques that help to improve breathing, and bring physical and mental capacity to a higher level. A combination of exercises from five separate activities makes the difference: freediving, weightlifting, yoga, calisthenics, and high intensity interval training.

Breathe to inspire

If you are interested in achieving peak performance in sports through improved respiration, I recommend the daily practice of victorious-breath-ujjayi/, You can perform it anywhere, standing, walking, lying down, running, biking or swimming. Apart of the altogether calming effect, Victorious Breath is also useful to people who suffer stress, depression and asthma.