Bibliography – HELLO2020!!-Escrivá de Balaguer, José María.(|934) Camino.

Juan Carlos Arango Jiménez, (2020), Breathe Like a Warrior series

Manga, Ela and Edward, Viola.(2020) Breath Quotient, Observations of Breath Intelligence,

Yoga, Benefits are in Breathing Less, Measure Progress in Health using DIY Body Oxygen Test to Defeat Symptoms and Diseases with Smart Yoga. Rakhimov, Arthour.

Panneton, Michael.(2013) The Diving Mammalian Response,

US MARINES MCO 1553.3A Unit Training Management, (2016)

PADI Freediver Program Intructor Guide, (2017)

Pelizzari, Umberto. (2016) Manual of Freediving. Underwater on a Single Breath,

Divine, Mark.The way of the SEAL, (2013) Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed,

Cajina, Gregory. (2015) Tu Mente es Extraordinaria.

Vivekananda, Swami.(2012) The Science of Btreathing,

Grinfield, Ben. (2014) Beyond Training, Mastering Endurance Health and Life,

Mcnab, Chris.(2002) Endurance Techniques

Doidge, Norman. (2008) The Brain that Changes Itself, Stories of Personal Triumph from Frontiers of Brain Science,

Sigman, Marino.(2015) La vida secreta de la mente.

Kaheneman, Daniel.(2012) Pensar Rápido, Pensar Despacio

Bryan, Nathan. Ph.D (2010) The Nitric Oxide Solution,

McGonigal, Kelly Ph.D-(2015) Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good for you, and how to get good at it. 

Cortright, Brant Ph.D- (2015) The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle

Long, Ray. MD. (2014) The Key Poses of Yoga

McKeown, Patrick. (2015)The Oxygen Advantage, the Simple, scientifically proven breathing techniques for a healthier, slimmer, faster and fitter you.

Severinsen, Stig Avall. Breatheology, (2012) The Art of Conscious Breathing.

Chiozzotto, Roberto, Pelizzari, Umberto, Mana, Federico, (2015) Dry Training for Freediving

Mana, Federico.(2013) Breathing Techniques for Freediving

Friel, Joe. (2016) The Triathlete Training Bible

Golding, Dan.(2016) Triathlon Winning at 70.3 How to Dominate the Middle Distance,

Coates, Budd. (2013) Running on air The Revolutionary way to run Better by Breathing Smarter

Grinfield, Ben.(2014) Beyond Training, Mastering Endurance Health and Life

Know, Lee. Life, (2014) The Epic Story of our Mitochondria

Nichols, Wallace.(2014) Blue Mind

Wolfson, Jack. (2015) The Paleo Cardiologist, The Natural  Way to Heart Health

Kaheneman, Daniel. (2012) Pensar Rápido, Pensar Despacio

The Editors of TIME (2016) Mindfulness: The New Science of Health and Happiness.

Habif, Daniel. (2019) Inquebrantables

Strom, Marx. (2010) A life worth Breathing

Donnelly, Darrin. (2016) Think like a Warrior,

Rakhimov, Arthour.(2019) Yoga, Benefits are in Breathing Less

Mac Gregor Kino. (2013) The Power of Ashtanga Yoga

Cohen, Michael.(2020) Neurofeedback, Rewiring the Brain for ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and Beyond.

Elisha Glodstein, (2016) Descubre la felicidad con mindfulness

Freeman, Godek, (2020) Physiology,. Diving Reflex.

The Bohr Effect
Vagus Nerve & diaphragmatic breathing:
Buteyko Breathing & asthma:
(Meditation & Longevity:
Diving / Breath Holding Capacity:
Is lung packing dangersou?
Yoga Breathing / Respiratory Health & Capacity: