Box Breathing Divine, Mark. The way of the SEAL, Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed

 Sometimes our breathing remain to shallow despite our best efforts especially in chaotic or very challenging situations. Box Breathing is used to train arousal control and make deep breathing an automatic responsewhen practiced daily, will fully oxygenize the blood with each breath, ensuring you have the fuel to work at optimal levels, while it detoxifies your lungs and internal organs. And, as with all deep-breathing exercises, it will calm and center your mind.


Position yourself in a seated meditation or other comfortable position. Your back should be straight, your chin slightly tucked, gaze soft or eyes closed. Place your hands lightly on your knees and bring your attention to your breath.

  1. Slowly take a few deep diaphragm breaths, with a four-count inhalation followed immediately a four-count complete exhalation. Repeat this for four rounds as a warm-up.
  2. Now, begin your Box Breathing practice by slowly taking a four-count breath through your nose.
  3. Hold your breath for a count of four. Concentrate on the quality of the breath and noticing what enters your mind. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the breath.
  4. Slowly exhale through the nose to a count of four.
  5. Hold your breath again for a count of four. Pay attention to the quality of the hold and watch your mind.

Repeat this process for a minimum of five minutes, and practice it until you can do it for up to twenty minutes at a time. Over time, you can also increase the duration of the inhale, exhale, and hold periods. Seek to settle your thoughts and any fidgeting. If a thought arises, just let it go and bring your attention back to the breathing. Use Box Breathing as part of your morning ritual and during the day as “spot training” whenever you have the opportunity—such as when reading e-mail, or when you feel excess stress building up.



Divine, Mark. The way of the SEAL, Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed