“A-Box Breathing” is an adaptation of the Box Breathing exercise performed by one of the best Special Operations Forces in the world, the Navy SEALs, which have incorporated into its training programs, breathing practices to automate a proactive reaction of its members to the emerging events of combat situations and thus remain calm and reduce stress.
In the book «The way of the SEAL, Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed,» Capt. Mark Divine, a former SEALs member, explains the mechanics and results of the breathing technique employed by the SEALs, Box Breathing.

A-Box Breathing is a variation that modifies the exhalation phase to maximize the calming effect in the body; which doubles the time of the inhalation. (in Box breathing both phases have the same duration). 

Training Objectives

  1. Induce relaxation response- arousal control.
  2. Increase Vo2Max capacity-oxygenation.


  1. Assume Sukhasana, the easy pose. Maintain the back straight all the time.
  2. Slowly take a few diaphragmatic breaths, with a four-count inhalation followed inmediately by a four-count complete exhalation. Repeat this for four rounds as a warm up.
  3. Now begin your A-Box practice by slowly taking a four-count through your nose.
  4. Hold your breath for a count of four. Concéntrate on the quality of the breath and noticing what entre your mind. If your mind wanders, gentry bring it back to the breath.
  5. Slowly exhale through the nose to a count of eight.
  6. Hold your breath again for a count of four. Pay attention to the quality of the hold and watch your mind.

Repeat this process for a minimum of five minutes, and practice it until you can do it for up to twenty minutes at a time. Over time, you can also increase the duration of the inhale, exhale, and hold periods. Seek to settle your thoughts and any fidgeting. If a thought arises, just let it go and bring your attention back to the breathing. Use Box Breathing as part of your morning ritual and during the day as “spot training” whenever you have the opportunity—such as when reading e-mail, or when you feel excess stress building up.

Disired End-State / Effects

  1. When practiced daily, will fully oxygenize the blood with each breath.
  2. Make deep breathing an automatic response
  3. Calm and center the mind.
  4. Detoxifies your lungs and internal organs.
  5. Ensures you have the fuel to work at optimal levels

A-Box breathing works better when trained as part of the Warrior Breathing Training Program (WBTP).

WBTP is based on four principles:

  1. Breathe consciously through the nose all the time day and night, to boost NO production (NO ntiric oxide, the Mighty Molecule). Few specific breathing exercises of the program are the exception of these principle.
  2. Feel the diaphragm while breathing. The force of every good breath is here.
  3. Improve the breath hold time to increase the tolerance to CO2 (carbon dioxide), to optimize the VO2MAX and to stimulate the release of EPO.
  4. Control the exhale and make it longer than the inhale.


  • McKeown, Patrick. The Oxygen Advantage, the Simple, scientifically proven breathing techniques for a healthier, slimmer, faster and fitter you.
  • Severinsen, Stig Avall. Breatheology, The Art of Conscious Breathing.
  • Pelizzari, Umberto. Manual of Freediving. Underwater on a Single Breath.
  • Divine, Mark. The way of the SEAL, Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead and Succeed
  • Mana, Federico. Breathing Techniques for Freediving