“Entonces Jehová Dios formó al hombre del polvo de la tierra, y sopló en su…
Mes: mayo 2020
“The harmful effects of stress on your health are not inevitable. How you think and…
Cuarto Atributo de la Respiración Mejorada “Los efectos tóxicos del estrés a su salud no…
Sanskrit, ‘Kapala’ = ‘skull’ and ‘bhati’ = ‘light’ ‘lustre’ or ‘shining’. Kapalabhati literally means –…
To help you understand that the harmful effects of lack of sleep, stress and ansiety…
The 5 Individual Attributes of Improved Respiration (IR)
“Control breathing and take control of life.” ALTUMBLUE is a website, dedicated to exchange information…
Third Distinctive Feature of Improved Respiration As we already know, with improved respiration, an individual…
Tercer Atributo de la Respiración Mejorada Un individuo puede influenciar positivamente en el sistema nervioso.…
“Quienes respiran a medias, viven a medias.” -Acharya Milind Kumar Bhardway Las técnicas de respiración…
Box Breathing Divine, Mark. The way of the SEAL, Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead…
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